Share with friends
Sunday, 16 January 2011 13:34

share_with_friendsYou already have the possibility to add bookmarks for bits of knowledge that interest you. You have the possibility to add your own content. What is the next logical step? You are interested in something and the next you would like is to share it with your friends. From this moment on, you already can do that. You can define any bookmark or article for private use or for sharing with friends.

Private use means that nobody can access this piece of data you have stored. It is visible for you and you only. You can store personal data or any kind of sensitive information and be sure that nobody will have access to it. This is the default value.

Sharing with friends gives additional options to the bookmark or the article. First of all, it will be visible for all registered and not registered users who know the link. Secondly, additional icons will show, allowing sending an e-mail to a friend or sharing with your Facebook friends. And last but not least, every visitor to that page will have the possibility to rate and leave a review to this piece of knowledge. In this way we fulfill one of the main goals of balastra - not only to gather knowledge but to share it with our friends and see what they think of it. The only possible sharing channels at the moment are via e-mail and Facebook but more will come very quickly. Moreover, you can give ideas which ones to be implemented first.

Sharing or "un"-sharing can be done in two ways.

  • While adding or editing, you can select either for private use or for sharing with friends. Please, have in mind that when you share with your friends, it is good to add descriptions and language to the knowldge. Moreover, the description is automatically filled in the Facebook sharing form and the language will help in the future to select reading bits of knowledge only in preferred languages.
  • While viewing the details of the bookmark or the article you can click over the appropriate icon in the new sharing section. This will just change the status but will not add description or language. You have to do it manually by clicking over the editing button.

Since this is a new feature, it is possible to have some bugs. Please let us know if such ones occur, or if you do not like something, or if you think it can be done much better. And of course, the next step is is coming very soon - sharing with the balastra community.

Have fun and share! Wink